Friday, December 15, 2006

What happened to the holidays?!

In the past, I used to love the holidays, especially during high school times. School was a drag. Idiotic teachers and bullshit like that. Co-curriculum activities, which I despised, especially that stupid "Scouts" uniform body. Real bloody bastards used to be our seniors. If only I had such a mentality in the past, I would've just did enough damage to land me a night in lock-up. Heh heh heh... Now in Ipoh it's really boring. I dread holidays nowadays. Why? Simple. I come back home, sure I have a car to take a spin around in, but I have TOO MUCH FREE TIME. If I spend too much time in front of the computer, I would get nagged for "laying eggs in the room", as my mum and grandma love to say. If I watch too much TV, they will say that I will spoil my eyes. *groan* Like it isn't already spoilt... *points at glasses* *sigh* If I go out and hang with friends, they'll say I don't spend time at home. And when I do, they say I need to get out more. Senility is overtaking the house! AHHHH!!! Need... medical... help! My mum gave me a good nag last night, something about manners and whatever the bla bla bla... Uh huh... I would've explained to her that she is speculating all these things and she twisted it into the fact that the very action of me TRYING to prove that she is speculating is rude. WTF. Alright. Senility is incurable. Sigmund Freud, it's your turn, I give up.  Hmm... I do have stuff to do over all this huge amounts of free time. Rather tedious and procrastinated things since God knows when. Well, 1st of all, I need to go get my The Kurtz article photo developed (sent to the shop already, phew...) and some cleaning up of my current room. It's not as bad as my hostel room, trust me, but give it a few days and it will be. Must remember to be tidier in the new Indah place. Well, guys, as per Mr Cobain requested, I have put a Cbox on the right, which shall be left to your devices. Enjoy! Peace out y'all!

Destiny, Wing Zero Custom and Sword Strike

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