Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Damn man... the net is fucked up big time! Seems that Taiwan got hit by a wicked earthquake, somewhere around 6.8, according to Jo, who's currently in HK. The quake got the underwater net line bad and it's gonna take 3 weeks for them to repair the line. Shit man. Slow net for 3 weeks. I can't stand it! I'm gonna die~!!! Casualties in Taiwan seem to be minimum, with only 2 people dead and 30-odd people injured so far reported. Haih... Poor net line. 1st they gotta go find where exactly did the line got damaged and then they gotta see if it is safe to go down there to repair it. There might be aftershocks that might cause tsunami waves. Damn man... This ain't gonna be good. I hope the net will get repaired soon! The net is my only source of entertainment! WAAAAA!!! So damn bored and now this is happening?! Oh God, why are you so cruel! Screw you very much! SCREW YOU!  

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