Friday, October 16, 2009

Sitting Stale

Get it? Sitting still? Sitting stale?


No, seriously, that was lame. I didn't even know why I chose that title. Just hit the two first words that came to my head.

I am currently in the VU Footscray com lab now. One of the many com labs. This one specifically because it has this nifty little program called Asteroid that I need to do my Advertising and Marketing Communications work.

Currently waiting on Shevoune now. She overslept. Typical. She's usually late anyways. Typical again. She's breaking her record! Last week she was 30 minutes plus late! She's about to break the record by an extra 30 minutes!

Nah, nothing much to talk about really... just felt like writing up a post, y'know... filling in the blanks.

Hmm... Anyone up to reccomending me some new songs? Pretty bored of my playlist now... I even downloaded the first Drowning Pool album the other just for kicks. Too bad only "Bodies" is the only song that I can REALLY enjoy...

Funny story... I just changed "Bodies" as my message ringtone on Monday and that very night, Deena messages me at 2 a.m, Indonesian time, which translates to 5 a.m, Australian time. So, imagine, in the dead of the night... you hear someone whispering in your ear...

Let the bodies hit the floor...
Let the bodies hit the floor...
Let the bodies hit the...

Fuck, I kinda jumped right out of bed when the dude started screaming.

Yeah... that's it. Alright. Chicks are here. Time to work. Not that way. I wish it was that way. Alright. I'm out.


1 comment:

py said...

wahahahahaha we told u before, at my place, when ur phone rang. we said u gonna get shock in the middle of the nite if u put ur ring tone tat loud!!! ahahahaha padan muka! :P