Thursday, October 22, 2009

First Foray into the Replays

Hey, how's it going? It's been a short few months since I've started playing Dissidia but recently I've stopped because of the upcoming finals. I've handed it over to a nice neighbor of mine and I've told her not to give it back to me even if I threatened to commit suicide in front of her.

During the course that I've been playing Dissidia, I have recorded a few videos that had some rather nice moments. Come to date, I think I have close to 20 videos in there that were either epic fights, hilarious moments or rare occurences when the physics engine in the game overcompensates.

However, converting them to AVI format and uploading them to Youtube is a long process, and I haven't even edited them even!

Anyways, here're some of the videos that I managed to convert before handing my PSP to my neighbor to stave off the temption... Oh, and the last one's a bit higher quality, so it takes a bit longer to load.

Pretty tight huh? Alright then... time to get back to work!


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