Monday, October 19, 2009

Another Day

I do apologize for the previous post if it has gotten anybody spooked.

It's just that the finals and undue stress that was getting to me. Nothing more. It's funny how people put shackles on themselves and play judge, jury and executioner at the same time on themselves. Foolish, really.

Anyways, I've finished most of my assignments... there's actually one teeny part left for two of them left, but one's a few weeks away and I think there's someone else that has taken up the responsibility for the final parts of the assignment.

Man, I hope I pass this MPS assingment... and if I don't... I've just bought this bokken... Oh right...

A bokken (木剣, bok(u), "wood", and ken, "sword"), is a wooden Japanese sword used for training, usually the size and shape of a katana, but sometimes shaped like other swords, such as the wakizashi and tantō.

Yeah, it's one of those Japanese wooden training swords. It's wooden. It's heavy. I think it's gonna crush a skull or two with enough force.

I love it.

I'm gonna give that bitch a broken arm or two if I don't bleeding pass.

Worse is that I hear from my counterparts in M'sia that the co-ordinator for the subject, a.k.a the Fat Bitchress herself, is gonna be UBER strict this semester, since she's retiring this semester. What the devil right?

Man, this is some BULLSHIT.

Alright, final week of uni now. One more week, another week on study break, then it's motherfucking, and I mean MOTHER'UCKING GO TIME.

Just call me Cloud, Level 99, 255 STR, 255 DEF, 255 MAG, equipped with Ultima, KotR, Cure 4+All, Phoenix + Final Attack and Ultima Weapon (+99 ATK). Abilities? Slash Blow + Omnislash Ver 5, Climhazard, Firaga, Meteorain, Double Cut and Limit Break 4A: Omnislash.

This bitch is going down. Oh yeah.


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