Sunday, June 22, 2008

Akin Water and Oil

I could say the same for frustration and boredom. They don’t mix well together. Trying to get my studies done but boredom hits me like a freight train every single time. It doesn’t even FEEL like a Sunday!!! *sobs*

Must thank Wing Hoh for that superb anime download site he gave me. I downloaded both seasons of Vandread already and I’m getting Medabots. Not exactly a new anime but it was nevertheless entertaining when they were airing it a few years back on Ntv7. Probably gonna attempt to catch up on Bleach and get into Gundam 00 when I’m done with Medabots. 100+ episodes for the 1st 2 good seasons only.

Holidays are coming up and for once, I manage to convince my mum to let me do what I want… for the 1st time, come to think of it. Although it’s laden with rather fucked up conditions which limit my fun, I’ll take what I can.

Urrrghhh… so damn bored!!! I want to play Cabal so badly! I want a PS3! I want GoW3! I also want to play Chains of Olympus!!! Gaaaahhh!!! So fucking frustrating. I finally got that spiffy Epaulette of Guardian +6 and now I have to wait… It looks so fucking cool!!! Damn… I’m seriously going over the edge here. I’m seriously scaring myself.


Still got so much movies left to watch. Hulk, Get Smart, Hancock, Hellboy 2 and Dark Knight. Not too keen about Hellboy since I hated the 1st one. Just wanna watch Get Smart ‘cause the trailer itself was freakin’ hilarious. Dark Knight… do I really have to say anything? Nuff’ said, indeed.


Alright… time to pull that magic wand out and wish hard. Peace out y’all.

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