Wednesday, July 16, 2008

M for Movies… Or Was That Marijuana

Before going in with the real meat of this post, I’m going to say that I’m going back to Sunway tomorrow! WOOHOO!!! Can’t believe it’s the next semester already. Time does fly when you’re having fun! It only seems like yesterday that I was sitting on one of those gorgeous Putrajaya bridges, just fucking around. Anyways… on we go.

Harold and Kumar: Escape From Guantanamo Bay

Anyone up for a little cock meat sandwich?

Fuck, I have waited fucking long to get my hands on this movie. Ever since they announced it I had my fingers crossed for an awesome movie. And shit, it doesn’t fail to disappoint at all!

It’s much more perverse, disgusting and racist. Alright, that all translates to a whole lot more laughter, for those who lost track. They encounter everything under the sun like the issue where American soldiers abuse their prisoners of war and almost get a taste (literally) in Guantanamo Bay. They run into hillbillies, the KKK, Neil Patrick Harris again and a whole lotta weed and prostitutes as well. Yup, sounds like a real sequel to Harold and Kumar to me!

Ol’ Spiky’s Rating: 5/5 Perfect sequel.

With this much of shit in the movie, no way the M’sian censorship board’s going to approve it. Just remember that they’re the same dudes (wish I could swear) that made Hellboy into Super Sapiens and banned Babe 2 (remember that pig movie?) and Daredevil. Yeah, never could give that a rest.

Me, Myself and Irene

A great old classic, this one

Few months back me, Taqi and Rushdi were discussing about movies and we stumbled into Jim Carrey’s amazing line-up of box office hits and pure comedy classics. I’ve been a fan of his comedy since I watched The Mask and both Ace Ventura movies. In other words, years. Seems that I missed one of his classics, which was this movie. So, it’s been months since I tried to get my hands on this as well as I can’t get a fucking decent connection back at Indahvilla.

Whatever it is, this movie was really such a classic that Taqi (and perhaps millions others) had enjoyed. Premise’s that Jim Carrey’s character, Charlie Baileygates was a promising Rhode Island state trooper and his life goes freakin’ downhill when his newly-wedded wife had an affair the same day with his black midget chauffeur for their wedding day.

He starts repressing all his negative emotions and enters into an extreme state of denial and all these manifests into an alter-ego, Hank, a much more fun version of Charlie. Trust me, this story is amazing and Carrey’s gone bonkers for this one all the way. An absolute must-watch for the comedy fan.

Ol’ Spiky’s Rating: 4.5/5 I thought Renée Zellweger was a lot more well-endowed.


Batman – Gotham Knight

The Bat himself in 6 different depictions

This is like what the Animatrix was to the Matrix Trilogies. This is the bridge between Batman Begins and the Dark Knight. This animated feature (I couldn’t find a better word) contains 6 different short stories, mostly written and drawn by different writers and artists. They even got an anime-looking Bruce Wayne! Watch it if you’re a fan of the Bat and watch it if you’re just a regular fan of high quality animation. Amazing piece of work.

Ol’ Spiky’s Rating: 4/5 I hated the 1st short story. It was a remake of another old one.

Alrighty then… tomorrow’s the premier of the Dark Knight, probably the one awesome summer movie of this year (I’m not counting high-budget superhero movies). The world’s literally ablaze with talks of Ledger’s alleged amazing portrayal of le Joker but we’ll see. I too, have this nagging feeling that he’s gonna make movie history with his portrayal of the Crown Prince of Crime.

Whatever it is, I’m glad to see Batman again. Peace out y’all!

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