Monday, March 15, 2010


Can't say I have much to talk about. Oh, I finished inFAMOUS by the way. Yeap, took me less than a week. It's not a perfect finish but hell, I finished it. Solid ending. Final boss fight wasn't epic at all, way too easy but the missions leading up to it were way cool. I mean, you get to chase down, like, 5 massive baloons dispersing toxic gas over the city and first off, you need to literally, bring down the thunder on it to down it's shields and later fly onto the platform to send it up into the stratosphere. I mean, how cool is that?

Seriously, at this point, the game kinda killed itself. It has 1 upped itself! You want more. You want spectacular. You want to mother'uckin' have an enemy that is worthy of bringing down the thunder on AGAIN. No. The game gives you no such oppurtunity. Sure you can bring down the thunder on the unsuspecting people of Empire City but where's the fun in that?

Anyways, while playing inFAMOUS I was thinking that Darksiders was a bad buy and was considering selling it off on eBay when I get the chance but... I'm glad I gave it a 2nd chance. I'm actually enjoying it. It's actually pretty enjoyable. The controls sometimes annoy me, like the block + counter mechanism is almost as hard to pull off as Riposte in Dissidia. Biggest piss off moment was that one event required me to kill enemies using such a skill. Fortunately I'm through that but I have to note that that was the most frustrating moment of that game for me.

Anyhoo... tomorrow's the 16th of March. Which is the release date for Dragon Age: Origin's expansion, Dragon Age: Awakening. I am definitely not going to buy the PS3 version because I like games as such on the PC. Sure I like SOME RPGS on the PS but... not something from Bioware, seeing as I've played some of their games on the PC already and I like how it plays out.

Speaking of which, I really should go get Mass Effect 1 and 2. It's another epic Bioware RPG. Western RPGs (most of the time) lack the depth of JRPGs and effort put into storytelling, but that's all changing. I mean, Dragon Age was amazing. Solid as hell. KOTOR 1 and 2... well, it does it's job for itself... Whatever that means.

Ah. I'm rambling again.

You know there are days when I wonder if anyone reads this junk and whether I should just give this up, as it is starting to become more and more of a burden for me. Nah, I realize I'm here to provide everyone who manages to get their hands on this blog's URL deserves a healthy dose of sarcasm and vulgar language that they themselves could not dispense in the sanctity of their own world.

Okay, enough of the fucking around. I've got shit to study.

Whoever that's reading this right now. Peace be with you.

Uh... peace?

Yeap. Peace.

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