Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's Like Final Fantasy

... or any other RPG, for that matter. Or most, really, where the final boss is a bitch to beat.

That's how my FINAL finals are like. In case some of you forgot, this is my final semester of uni. It is the toughest hurdle ever, as I am taking 5 subjects because I failed one last year.

However, everything panned out nicely, as in the end, I only need to turn in 4 assignments and sit for 4 final papers, like any other semester.

So, the final examination timetable came out on Monday and I was out enjoying myself when Kang Wei messaged me to call him. So I did, and he passed me the grim news.

Later that day... much later, I went to check my exam timetable. Damn man... I've got exams on the 2nd of November, 4th of November, 5th of November and the next is... *drum roll* 6th of November!


This is so befitting of a final battle. Tough odds. VU really wants me to remember that I did a degree there.


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