Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It's Like Final Fantasy

... or any other RPG, for that matter. Or most, really, where the final boss is a bitch to beat.

That's how my FINAL finals are like. In case some of you forgot, this is my final semester of uni. It is the toughest hurdle ever, as I am taking 5 subjects because I failed one last year.

However, everything panned out nicely, as in the end, I only need to turn in 4 assignments and sit for 4 final papers, like any other semester.

So, the final examination timetable came out on Monday and I was out enjoying myself when Kang Wei messaged me to call him. So I did, and he passed me the grim news.

Later that day... much later, I went to check my exam timetable. Damn man... I've got exams on the 2nd of November, 4th of November, 5th of November and the next is... *drum roll* 6th of November!


This is so befitting of a final battle. Tough odds. VU really wants me to remember that I did a degree there.


Saturday, September 26, 2009


Hey all... sorry for updating in a language that most can't understand but if you really did want to find out what it is, you would've by now.

Been through a rough patch the past few days and it's not been easy, especially when the news keeps coming and hitting hard.

Just gonna say that I can't wait to get back to Malaysia, when things were much simpler. There's too much idealistic people here, people with weird principles to live by and life mottos that should be banned.

I'm getting involved in way too much shit that doesn't concern me. Therefore, as an antithesis to Yes Man, I gotta start saying more no.

I know, sounds absolutely lame and shit like that, but I've made up my mind. After this one thing, that's it. I'm done. Just got to concentrate on my studies, finish my last year, go back home and leave this insane chapter behind.

I have to say I will look back to this chapter in the fondest way possible but let's just say the bookmark in my tome called Life will always flip back to that one and only chapter, and it's not this one.

I've seen better days is the line I'm looking for here.

But trust me, this isn't an emo post as it is carved out to be. It's the holidays right now! I seriously can't find anything exciting to do, no places that I really want to visit or anything, and there're quite a few assignments that seriously need to be done during this time period.

Anyways, happy holidays to those on sem break! Try to squeeze in as much as possible while doing your assignments! Heh heh heh...


Monday, September 21, 2009

A Pierrot's Lament III

E il terzo giorno del suo lamento, il Pierrot spuntato per la consapevolezza che la luna era niente di più, di una prostituta comune. Il dolore è stato ben presto sostituito con shock, shock e il dolore per le decisioni di poveri del Pierrot.

A Pierrot's Lament II

Il Pierrot paragona se stesso come il sole, protesa verso il luna generosa, sperando per altro che è un amore non corrisposto

A Pierrot's Lament

E così, il Pierrot cade in ginocchio, incapace di salvare se stesso, come egli annega in un lago del suo dolore amaro

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Anyone spotted the Star Wars reference there?

Man, everyone's talking about this bleedin' movie and yeah, I now know why now. This has got to be one of Pixar's finest, and seriously, I'm a real bitch when it comes to these animation movies, so to call Up one of Pixar's finest is a real stretch for me.

The progression of that old dude from a young kid, marrying his childhood friend, growing old and eventually ending up alone was a tad sad for the bunch I was watching with. Like I told them, it's not that sad once you accept such a fate as an inevitability.

So anyways, yeah, it starts off on a rather sad note, and the action picks up later on. Not gonna spoil much of it but I suppose I'm one of the last few people that have watched this flick. Man... those dogs! Insanely funny. Especially when the Alpha first comes onto the screen... you thought the dude'd sound like Vader but dude sounds like he had helium for lunch.

Ol' Spiky's Rating - 5/5 Awesome movie. Nuff' said.

Lacking behind a bit on the news here. I've been way too preoccupied with Dissidia, work and cleaning the house. Yeah, in that order. Dissidia just keeps giving and giving and giving. So much shit to unlock, so much levels to gain, just so much more footage to watch! It has the right amount of push and pull right there. It keeps it challenging enough for you to say, "I can beat this guy!" and it gives you just the right amount without being overfulfilled or underfulfilled. But let's save the details for another post shall we?

Oh yeah... I'm missing the post on Mt. Buller too. I'll probably post it up when my quota comes back on.
