The final frontier.
The final frontier.
Nah, I got nothing. Went for gym today with KW and Aaron. Pussy-iest session I ever had, but then again my debilitating cough still hasn't keeled over and died yet like I hoped. Was kinda hard the 1st ten minutes on the bike while coughing my lungs out.
Boredom. God, I am so bored. Nights in this place is fucked up. I kind of envy Student Village now. I miss that feeling. That feeling I used to have back in Sunway condo... or Indahvilla. The company. At least someone to talk to. To chill with. To share stupid stories with.
I can't seem to decide which I value more, my privacy and freedom or my need for human contact.
I could watch cable TV in Student Village. I could visit friends in their rooms.
But the thought of living in that small refurbished Vietnamese slave camp room kinda fucks up all the plusses of the place. Gargh.
Everyday I find out that more people actually do read this blog. I might end up spilling something a bit too sensitive that will lead me into hot water.
Yeah, right, like I care.
Oh wait, I do.
No, I don't.
Yes, I do.
Stop talking to yourself.
No, YOU stop talking to yourself.
Me? You're the one who's gone insane.
Insane?! Look who's talking!
While my 2 (or possibly more) mini mes in my head duke it out, I suggest that you folks take a spectator seat.
Oh, one more thing. I am planning to buy a PSP. It's notoriously cheaper here than in Malaysia. Rushdi bought his PSP 2000 for over RM1k. I can get that here for 200 AUD. Used before... BUT... seeing as the newest model, the PSP 3000, is sold here for 300 AUD, I can't think how much more a brand new PSP 2000 can be more expensive.
However, there are a couple of clinches here, as usual, before every expensive purchase, as we've all learnt in subject or another especially that we're mostly in business degree programmes. I need to think about the pros and cons. Simple pro and con here. Pros are obviously because it's cheaper, it's a PSP, I can play more games, I can now do that anywhere. Cons are it's still relatively expensive after conversion, I need to know whether I will play a buttload of games on this or not, can it be UNLOCKED and it is very possible to get stolen and mugged for.
But my heart is set but... one more thing that is stopping me is I need to know where I can unlock it. So, for anyone, that is reading this right now. Don't be another ghost floating around and voice out. If you do know, of any proper unlocker in the city of Melbourne, or of a person that has purchased the PSP here in Melbourne, or any whereabouts of an unlocker, please, say something. I know there're loads of ghosts on this blog. Why so shy? I don't bite off everyone's head!
With that, I bid you adieu. Peace out y'all.
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