Sunday, December 23, 2007

Season’s Greetings

Clichéd title but hey, who’s trying? Damn, it’s been so long since I’ve actually blogged because I’ve rather preoccupied with the PS2 and a dash of DoTA here and there. Yeah, some of you might have heard that I’ve “retired” from it but I’m just playing for fun on my own house LAN, not with those glory crazy Blueserver players. I wonder if they ever heard of gaming-related deaths. It should open up their eyes a bit.


Heh heh heh… Anyways, I managed to pass my ADM supplementary exam! Finally I can wake up every morning without having to worry… Wait, come to think of it, I’ve never worried much about it but ANYWAYS, the point is that I passed!

Time Spent

Damn… I’ve wasted so many hours in a day just sitting in front of the PS2 just playing and playing and playing Yu-Gi-Oh GX Tag Force Evolution and the GoW series. I doubt I’ll need to upgrade my computers to play new PC games now that I am so freakin’ preoccupied with these games. Damn. I doubt there’ll be much (or any) new games for the PS2 anytime soon as the next gen consoles are already out. Wei Shiarn asked me the other day if Neverwinter Nights 2 was nice or not but I think I didn’t manage to reply him. I think it should be good. I heard some good reviews about it and the graphics look really nice. I remember buying the 1st Neverwinter Nights game and the graphics were horrendous (Duh) and the character creation/management system just zonked me out. Waaahaaayyy too complicated even for a RPG fan like me. I keep having plans to play certain games but in the end it just never manages to pan out. *sigh*

In The News Today…

I have to admit that I don’t even buy papers to read while I’m in Sunway unless I HAPPEN to pass by a shop that sells the papers. Well, I get me news from me mum and it all never seems to be delightful but some entertaining. Anyways, the stuff that I’ve been reading in the papers these days (or rather, the past year/2 years) are usually either about tragedies, crime or all that negative stuff. Rarely there are good things ‘cept maybe Rain breaking his arm, Clay Aiken losing a fight to a woman in an airplane or various country representatives ganging up on America’s representative for being such a little whiny bitch. Anyways, the point that I’m trying to get across is that the news gets much more depressing and depressing with each passing day. If there isn’t a flood somewhere, it’s got to be some poor lad ran over by a truck or a corrupt government official(s) pulling the usual stunts. You got to have this feeling that some weird vague religious/cryptic advice you hear somewhere either on TV or some religious text or some baldy is actually some real shit that we can all relate too. I hope you understand these insane rantings of mine. I just can’t seem to find the words to describe this… feeling.

It’s Been a Rough Year, Entertainment-Wise

Has it? You tell me, man. I, for one, think that the movies this year were leaning on both sides of the fence. There were some that sucked ass big time (Beowulf, Fantastic Four 2, Spiderman 3 and perhaps Rogue Assassin) and there were some that really blew us all away (Transformers and uh… Geez... Can anything top this badass?). For music… Shit… I have no idea man… LP’s Minutes to Midnight seriously disappointed me. Velvet Revolver’s Libertad even more so and annoying tween/non-tween pop music seems to be a huge favourite to some people. Some are good and some are just freaking annoying! There is nothing in the world I wouldn’t give for a chance to shoot Rihanna and Sean Kingston dead. There are only so many times a song can be played on air and hyped about, seriously. I don’t know about you guys, but I think it’s sad to see that people are going for simplified machine-made music and eye candy to be huge players in deciding what song is good and what isn’t. Here’s to hoping to a better year in music and movies and 2008.


Peace out y’all. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday to U-Jun before I forget!

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