Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Ouch, Thaipusam
I guess Thaipusam is the only time of the year that some Indians understand how does those rockers feel like when they get their nose/toungue/nipple/ballsack pierced. I only know that they get huge iron rods right through their bodies and carry this huge thingy called uh... damn, I had that word in my head... Oh yeah, kavadi (sorry for the spelling mistake, if I am wrong). Gotta give them their props man, I scream when a freakin' needle comes near me. It's better than Ali screaming his head off 'cause of a cockroach that another dude was playing with at Faisal's house party after the finals. Hahahahaa... Anyway, the road that I usually take back home, is unfortunately laden with stalls and stands and stuff like that. Why? There is a blimey Indian temple on the other side of the road. The way that they put the stalls and stands, reminded me a lot of NFS: MW's Pursuit Breakers that you, the racer, would crash into and making something collapse (or not) and stop the pursuit of the cops. Had this nagging thought of ramming into one but gotta show some respect man. I don't fancy the idea of them sticking one of those huge iron rods to a place where the sun don't shine. Believe me, I've done enemas before, and it ain't pretty. Not one bit. I won't get into detail, I know your imagination is more than sufficient to figure it all put. So, Happy Thaipusam and peace out y'all!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
A Reflection of Past Questions
Back when I was in high school, the view of teachers were... how can I say, not all that fucking good. I'm sure, whether you're a chink, nigga or anything in between, you'd know what I'm talking about. For odd reasons, deep and odd "What if..." questions pop up at the oddest time, especially on the "throne". You know what I'm talking about. One of it was the subject of teachers these days. We all have our fair share of lazy teachers, the ones who let us play around in class, light-hearted teachers, the ones who seem to have some way of teaching us in a humorous manner, respectable teachers, who display an aura that we can't shake off and look up to them and the fucking assholes of the scumpond, the ones we wish to burn their car and families every single day. Unfortunately the teachers these days come in abundance in the form of that last category. I mean, looking back into the past, teachers were like, "Woah". The sifus and senseis and all that jazz. Really respected people. The word "teacher" was used in religious text, I believe, to refer to 'ol Christ, if I am not mistaken. I'm not just talking about the significance of the word, but the significance of the profession. However, from the way I see it, in the past, being a teacher is more than just another means of getting laid, I mean, paid. It was a position that even the greatest kings seek counsel from. Teachers of ANY field in the past, were respected and people often seek counsel from them. Ranging from Zen masters all the way to that bearded Shaolin dude that teaches you how to fly by just flailing your legs in the air, from philosophers that conclude that it is best to start worrying about the present and not the future nor the past to the weavers that make such excellent cloth for all, they were all worthy of the title "teacher" and they actually walk the walk. Teachers these days... *phew* Corrupted bastards, giving the word teacher a bad name. Teachers were the ones that taught people how to be a proper human and be useful towards society. Teachers these days, hah... I doubt they even know what they're teaching. Sure you've got your god damn degree. You don't need to boast about it. I know you know a lot more than I do. No need to act as though a shotgun's up your arse. It's only a piece of paper that makes them who they are. Real teachers... they don't need no god damn degree. Whatever knowledge, experience that they have, that's more than that freakin' piece of degree that so-called teachers have these days. Those dudes in schools these days should be labelled as educators, not teachers. They educate us about the sciences and arts, and hardly do any justice in the moral section with that ludricous P. Moral that 'ol Hishamuddin seems to think works. Sure it's practically a free "A1" in SPM, any murderer or sociopath can get that as well. Moral is more than just words and paper, it's a sophisticated protocol in the human mind that leads us the right way. You gotta shape it through actual communication, like religious teachers do, they talk about it, not make you read "Christianity/Buddhism/Islam for Dummies".
So, "teachers" of the modern world and the education system of today...
I got only TWO WORDS for you...
I got only TWO WORDS for you...
Friday, January 26, 2007
Freakin' SOBS!
Those sons of bitches! I have had it up to here! I swear that those bastards are out to get me! This morning after gym, I took the usual route back home, going the opposite side of the road of Fair Park. Loads of buses pass by that area 'cause there are schools nearby. School buses, commercial buses, the usual bunch. There are some days that I get caught somewhere near the exhaust of the damned behemoth and get my remaining lifespan docked a few years. Today was the straw that broke the camel's back. Those freakin sonnovabitches... pandai-pandai go slow and then force me at a speed and position that I get full blast of the bloody things "anus vapour". There was so much space in front of them, 2 cars be exact, in front of me, bumper to bumper, they could've speeded ahead and let me cut them to avoid the smoke or some shit. But nooo... They want me to die of second-hand smoke! You bloody bastards and bitches! ROT IN HELL!!! Arrrghhh!!!!
And thus concludes my lunacy for today. Peace out y'all!
And thus concludes my lunacy for today. Peace out y'all!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Patiently Waiting
There are loads of people out there who seem to have realized that the holidays are longer than it seems and are suffering from the fact that it is. Honestly, in the beginning I thought of that as well, seeing it as a drag more than anything else and wondered aloud why the hell did I love holidays so much when I was still in my diapers. Wait, hold on, it's after the diapers stage. Anyways, I think I seem to have an idea why I loved it. I do sort of love it now, when I discovered it's been such a long time since I heard a singular voice in my head instead of the buzzing of many voices stating homework assignments, facts and figures, exam times and appointments that I need to be at. Now I am enjoying that emptiness in my head that is floating with bits of fluff and material that looks like lightweight cotton candy. It's very enjoyable. Seriously, it's the only time I don't have to rush and do the stuff in my head and I can actually consult that voice on what else I need to do, whole standing naked in the hallway at home. Hell yeah, it feels that good.
Lag of Creativity
Seriously need to find some sort of inspiration to get me up and going to design those community lots in the Sims 2. I went to some of those pre-made lots in Downtown and freakin' shit man... it's so damn nice... They must've hired some wicked ass contractors and designers to build it. I am still wondering how the hell did they accomplish some of those buildings, like one of the restaurants that had this extended part into a man-made lake. Seriously need to find out how they put those friggin' supports in the water and get the platform up at the CORRECT height. Urgh. Curse you Maxis for your racism towards black Sims and not teaching us how to build marvellous structures!
Rain's Coming... Blergh
Yeah, blergh. Faggoty boy is coming... I think a few more days and he will be here. Or the accursed event has passed already. Blergh... Aunties and lala girls in one place together, all tightly packed. Wonder if they form some huge symbiotic mass that is both annoying and has bad fashion sense... and has a lingering smell of old socks and Dettol... Hmm... Urgh....
Movies Galore!
Yeah baby, so much movies are coming! Transformers, Ghost Rider, Spidey 3, Simpsons, Iron Man (2008) la, Epic Movie... Damn... the list goes on for fucking miles. Too bad can't go out this weekend. Mum kind of called me to stay home for some reason. Can't remember why, though. Ah well, I can catch Epic Movie some other time la, maybe Sunday or something. I saw the trailer and fuck man... Nothing short of Scary Movie siaoness. Should be one of those movies that I will download later on to watch. Hell yeah baby... Transformers... Man, I am such a sucker for Transformers... and Batman as well. Heh heh heh... I even dug out an old tape dating back to the 1980s that had the old Transformers: The Movie. Yeah, TAPE. That thing that pops into the VCR. Still the best way to record shows. Screw AstroMAX. Can't even access the hard drive for crying out loud. I watched the old Transformers movie and rekindled that old flame for the robots in disguise. I even downloaded majority of the soundtrack. Heh heh heh... I'm just missing the main theme now. Must get the toys as well.... *manic look in eyes*
Some of the old gang is back in Sunway already. As much as I enjoy the holidays, I can't wait to get back to Sunway with all my friends. Peace out y'all!
Lag of Creativity
Seriously need to find some sort of inspiration to get me up and going to design those community lots in the Sims 2. I went to some of those pre-made lots in Downtown and freakin' shit man... it's so damn nice... They must've hired some wicked ass contractors and designers to build it. I am still wondering how the hell did they accomplish some of those buildings, like one of the restaurants that had this extended part into a man-made lake. Seriously need to find out how they put those friggin' supports in the water and get the platform up at the CORRECT height. Urgh. Curse you Maxis for your racism towards black Sims and not teaching us how to build marvellous structures!
Rain's Coming... Blergh
Yeah, blergh. Faggoty boy is coming... I think a few more days and he will be here. Or the accursed event has passed already. Blergh... Aunties and lala girls in one place together, all tightly packed. Wonder if they form some huge symbiotic mass that is both annoying and has bad fashion sense... and has a lingering smell of old socks and Dettol... Hmm... Urgh....
Movies Galore!
Yeah baby, so much movies are coming! Transformers, Ghost Rider, Spidey 3, Simpsons, Iron Man (2008) la, Epic Movie... Damn... the list goes on for fucking miles. Too bad can't go out this weekend. Mum kind of called me to stay home for some reason. Can't remember why, though. Ah well, I can catch Epic Movie some other time la, maybe Sunday or something. I saw the trailer and fuck man... Nothing short of Scary Movie siaoness. Should be one of those movies that I will download later on to watch. Hell yeah baby... Transformers... Man, I am such a sucker for Transformers... and Batman as well. Heh heh heh... I even dug out an old tape dating back to the 1980s that had the old Transformers: The Movie. Yeah, TAPE. That thing that pops into the VCR. Still the best way to record shows. Screw AstroMAX. Can't even access the hard drive for crying out loud. I watched the old Transformers movie and rekindled that old flame for the robots in disguise. I even downloaded majority of the soundtrack. Heh heh heh... I'm just missing the main theme now. Must get the toys as well.... *manic look in eyes*
Some of the old gang is back in Sunway already. As much as I enjoy the holidays, I can't wait to get back to Sunway with all my friends. Peace out y'all!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Freakin Shit!
ARGH! My precious earphones! My Sonicgear earphones have been vandalized! Tortured! Sodomised! Raped, even! Shakir is not gonna be happy when he finds out his gift has been taken care of in such an ill manner. Partially it was my fault and my brother's fault as well... Damn that kid. I, being messy me, left the earphones on the bed and it was deceptively disguised under the pillows and blankets. My brother traipsed across it and stepped on it. Oh the pain that betides thy heart when I heard a ominous plastic crunch. How it pains me to recall this most henious incident. I quickly grabbed my dear earphones and noticed a piece of plastic dropping out of it. Tides of anguish washed over me as I saw the right earpiece dangling from the mainframe by a mere wire. Oh, the pain... Oh, the horror. As I quickly scrambled my mind to repair it, part of me knew it would never be perfect again. I pushed the wire back in and tried to get the earpiece in place. I got it in, but how do I get it to stay there. I asked my brother to atone for his sins and go downstairs to fetch me some rubber bands. I wrapped around the inside of the earpiece, past the soft part (which I removed beforehand) and stuffed some paper in the outer part to make it stay in place. Later I put some sticky tape to put the soft part back. It seems that it was a lot tougher to put it back since the releasing mechanism might have been damaged as well. Oh, woe betide me. It looks almost the same, except for the noticable piece of paper wedged nearby the earpiece and the plethora of rubber bands that cover it. I plugged it into my laptop and luckily the sound still works. *phew* Guess I don't have to slice my bro's balls off yet. He gets off, for now. Here's the aftermath...


Yeah, not a pretty sight. *sigh* At least it still works. But it will never be the same *sniff* Anyways, go check out Wing Hoh's blog, amazing stuff there about how Rain and Johor is inter-related. I couldn't have said any better than he did. Peace out y'all!
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Just Another Day
*yawn* Holidays aren't exactly as hectic and fun as being back in Sunway, but hey, it's the only time I ever felt and thought of "What can I do to fill my time?". Rarely get the chance to do that during college/uni times. Not much has happened since the last post. Had some rather interesting quotes in my head regarding stuff that has happened recently and stuff that my mum keeps reminding me about. Somehow, forgot them all... Must be that Can't Remember Shit syndrome that Amir keeps talking about. It's gotten to me, somehow. Hahahahhaa...
Death Day
Today happens to be the death anniversary for my dad, according to the chinese calendar. Hm... My mum told me some rituals and stuf that should be practiced outta respect and not out of the responsibility to religion or culture. Maybe it was her way of getting me to do it since I wouldn't give a fuck about it ESPECIALLY if it does regard religion. Nothing grand happening today, just any other day today except we have to burn those "Hell Bank" notes, have some feast and some other mumbo jumbo. Ah well.
Johor Flood
For some extremely odd reason, my brother somehow had this sadistic idea of singing or playing "I Love a Rainy Night" by Eddie Rabbit for the good folks of Johor to hear. How nice of him... I had this rather humorous image inside my head of him doing that and getting whipped and creamed by the unfortunate flood victims. In case you have no idea how the song goes, here are the lyrics. You'll see why they'll whack him.
Yeah, I love a rainy night as well. Hahahahhahaa...
Sims 2 Humour
Alright, I don't know how much of you are familiar with the game but you can hire a repairman to fix your broken appliances, hardware or anything you can imagine that can possibly break. He fixes your leaks, kitchen appliances, computers, TVs, radios and stereos and tunes your piano and other musical instruments as well. Of course, like in real life, these guys know what they're doing. Or do they? Take a look...

Death Day
Today happens to be the death anniversary for my dad, according to the chinese calendar. Hm... My mum told me some rituals and stuf that should be practiced outta respect and not out of the responsibility to religion or culture. Maybe it was her way of getting me to do it since I wouldn't give a fuck about it ESPECIALLY if it does regard religion. Nothing grand happening today, just any other day today except we have to burn those "Hell Bank" notes, have some feast and some other mumbo jumbo. Ah well.
Johor Flood
For some extremely odd reason, my brother somehow had this sadistic idea of singing or playing "I Love a Rainy Night" by Eddie Rabbit for the good folks of Johor to hear. How nice of him... I had this rather humorous image inside my head of him doing that and getting whipped and creamed by the unfortunate flood victims. In case you have no idea how the song goes, here are the lyrics. You'll see why they'll whack him.
Eddie Rabbit - I Love a Rainy Night
Well I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
I love to hear the thunder
Watch the lightning
When it lights up the sky
You know it makes me feel good
Well I love a rainy night
It's such a beautiful sight
I love to feel the rain
On my face
To taste the rain on my lips
In the moonlight shadow
Showers wash
All my cares away
I wake up to a sunny day
'Cause I love a rainy night
Yes I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
I love to hear the thunder
Watch the lightning
When it lights up the sky
You know it makes me feel good
Well I love a rainy night
It's such a beautiful sight
I love to feel the rain
On my face
To taste the rain on my lips
In the moonlight shadow
Puts a song
In this heart of mine
Puts a smile on my face every time
'Cause I love a rainy night
Yes I love a rainy night
Ooh I love a rainy night
Yeah I love a rainy night
Showers wash
All my cares away
I wake up to a sunny day
'Cause I love a rainy night
Yes I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
I love to hear the thunder
Watch the lightning
When it lights up the sky
You know it makes me feel good
Well I love a rainy night
It's such a beautiful sight
I love to feel the rain
On my face
To taste the rain on my lips
In the moonlight shadow
Showers wash
All my cares away
I wake up to a sunny day
'Cause I love a rainy night
Yes I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
I love to hear the thunder
Watch the lightning
When it lights up the sky
You know it makes me feel good
Well I love a rainy night
It's such a beautiful sight
I love to feel the rain
On my face
To taste the rain on my lips
In the moonlight shadow
Puts a song
In this heart of mine
Puts a smile on my face every time
'Cause I love a rainy night
Yes I love a rainy night
Ooh I love a rainy night
Yeah I love a rainy night
Showers wash
All my cares away
I wake up to a sunny day
'Cause I love a rainy night
Yes I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
Well I love a rainy night
Yeah, I love a rainy night as well. Hahahahhahaa...
Sims 2 Humour
Alright, I don't know how much of you are familiar with the game but you can hire a repairman to fix your broken appliances, hardware or anything you can imagine that can possibly break. He fixes your leaks, kitchen appliances, computers, TVs, radios and stereos and tunes your piano and other musical instruments as well. Of course, like in real life, these guys know what they're doing. Or do they? Take a look...

A disgruntled repairman

Hahahahha... I guess not! Oddly enough, the repairman has about nigh-perfection mechanical skills, which is about 9-10 points of it. That should drastically improve his chances of NOT getting zapped to a piece of tempura. But still... chances of this happening is rare... AND hilarious as well. Muahahahahhaa... I have other pictures of Sims acting weird as well, like Sims falling asleep in their food and doing other idiotic things. I will save that for another post. Now I am feeling lazy. Hahahahhaa... Peace out y'all!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Good Times Ahead
Hell yeah, good times ahead! CNY coming up faster than I anticipated and the only shindig I've remembered to ever enjoy since I can remember is coming up. May be a bit un-posh like, but what the hell, man, with good food and friends, nothing can go wrong! Or so I think... hopefully it's the same this year la! Sunway niggas meet Ipoh chinks! One night I will never ever forget, fo' sure!
Night at the Museum
Actually, I wanted to watch this much earlier this month, but things came up and other movies seemed much more nicer. Seriously wanted to go watch it before but Lipas had that "Sinking Japan" plan going on. Finally had a chance when a fortunate mishap, or problem happened. Chee Hoe (a.k.a Bull King) wanted us to go watch Mahjong Duel 3. Sounds like another corny chinese movie with the alleged "top crop" chinese comedians come to date but what the heck, I've got nothing better to do on a weekend other than the usual family outings for meals and gaming, online chatting, guitar-ing and some other trivial stuff la. So, went to Jusco, TGV with Bull King to book tickets for that Mahjong movie. He went up 1st and I went to some other bookstore to get some magazines and comic books. He came down and told me that there was no earlybird movie. Dangnabbit. I went up with him again and then decided to change the movie to Night at the Musuem. Booya! So, fast forward to today, at Jusco, after everyone has been assembled. Me, Chee Hoe and Whales arrived together since they were riding with me. Met up with Lipas at Capcom. Bugger was playing the games as usual. Arcades are a serious a waste of money. Especially the M'sian ones... the machines are so damn outdated it's not even funny. I won't be surprised if I do walk around there long enough to find a Pacman machine up and running. Hahahahhahaa... So, we went and watched the movie, met some old high school "acquaintances". One has really dived off the deep end and tried the "Gay Korean boyband/vocalist/dancer" look. Sporting hair that was going only two directions which defied gravity. Middle part was going up and fringe was heading east or west, can't bloody remember. Luckily mine is erratic and so un-stereotypical. Heh heh heh... Not to mention the bugger went and pierced his ear and had a cross ear ring to one ear. I can hear screams of "queerness" in the background. A few more screams of "FAGGOT!". Yeah... not dreaming. Anyways, went in there, row F, 7 all the way to 10. Queer guys were just behind us. Shared a few goody laughs with each other and the movie started. Ben Stiller didn't have to work hard for this very normal character except for the fact he has to deal with a dog-like T-Rex bag of bones, minature historic people like the Romans, cowboys, Mayans. Easter Island head with no respect, bronze statue, Huns, wild animals, eskimos and some cave men which think fire exthinguisher foam is whipped cream. Smashing. Movie was totally amazing! 4.5 outta 5! You, reader, go watch it. Now. Or that T-Rex is gonna come and chomp off your bloody nuts.
CNY Buffet Dinner complications
Some people didn't have the nerve to reply my messages. Fine. Some just said yes straight away and hatched plans for their bold journey from across the nation to come. Alright, that was plain exaggeration. Most also is KL to Ipoh only, especially for the CIMP-ains. Danny and Wing Hoh called me at the worst time... Hahahahaa... When I was driving and there were cops on my left, hiding to catch speed demons and some plain cops on the opposite side of the road, waiting for the traffic light. Luckily Chee Hoe warned me and I switched off my phone. Some other complications are that the KL and Ipoh bunch may not click. Aiya, why bother worrying. It's not like they're gonna be soulmates for life or anything... *groan* Heh heh heh...
Rain's Coming! FUCK OFF!
Holy shit... that bastard is coming to Malaysia. It's just seriously sick and disgusting that my old and retired aunties (or ajimas or something, that means aunties in Korean), that are well weathered and above 50 and survived WW2, are going to see him. They're paying no less than 300 a pop for tickets to see thier "toyboy" strut his stuff on stage. If they offer me a ticket... no thanks... I can whack a feast at Shogun, nail a few Gundams, take it to the movies, pool, bowling and still have change left. Seriously.... Rain... for crying out loud. Girls scream like mad for him. Guys don't even scream and have multiple explosive leg-wobbling orgasms when they see PCD or Jolin Tsai shaking booty on stage. Get. A. Grip. Nuff' said.
Hopefully the buffet dinner will proceed smoothly and no problems la. Amir said he will be the photographer of the prestigious evening, so dress to kill, niggas and chinks! Peace out y'all!
Night at the Museum
Actually, I wanted to watch this much earlier this month, but things came up and other movies seemed much more nicer. Seriously wanted to go watch it before but Lipas had that "Sinking Japan" plan going on. Finally had a chance when a fortunate mishap, or problem happened. Chee Hoe (a.k.a Bull King) wanted us to go watch Mahjong Duel 3. Sounds like another corny chinese movie with the alleged "top crop" chinese comedians come to date but what the heck, I've got nothing better to do on a weekend other than the usual family outings for meals and gaming, online chatting, guitar-ing and some other trivial stuff la. So, went to Jusco, TGV with Bull King to book tickets for that Mahjong movie. He went up 1st and I went to some other bookstore to get some magazines and comic books. He came down and told me that there was no earlybird movie. Dangnabbit. I went up with him again and then decided to change the movie to Night at the Musuem. Booya! So, fast forward to today, at Jusco, after everyone has been assembled. Me, Chee Hoe and Whales arrived together since they were riding with me. Met up with Lipas at Capcom. Bugger was playing the games as usual. Arcades are a serious a waste of money. Especially the M'sian ones... the machines are so damn outdated it's not even funny. I won't be surprised if I do walk around there long enough to find a Pacman machine up and running. Hahahahhahaa... So, we went and watched the movie, met some old high school "acquaintances". One has really dived off the deep end and tried the "Gay Korean boyband/vocalist/dancer" look. Sporting hair that was going only two directions which defied gravity. Middle part was going up and fringe was heading east or west, can't bloody remember. Luckily mine is erratic and so un-stereotypical. Heh heh heh... Not to mention the bugger went and pierced his ear and had a cross ear ring to one ear. I can hear screams of "queerness" in the background. A few more screams of "FAGGOT!". Yeah... not dreaming. Anyways, went in there, row F, 7 all the way to 10. Queer guys were just behind us. Shared a few goody laughs with each other and the movie started. Ben Stiller didn't have to work hard for this very normal character except for the fact he has to deal with a dog-like T-Rex bag of bones, minature historic people like the Romans, cowboys, Mayans. Easter Island head with no respect, bronze statue, Huns, wild animals, eskimos and some cave men which think fire exthinguisher foam is whipped cream. Smashing. Movie was totally amazing! 4.5 outta 5! You, reader, go watch it. Now. Or that T-Rex is gonna come and chomp off your bloody nuts.
CNY Buffet Dinner complications
Some people didn't have the nerve to reply my messages. Fine. Some just said yes straight away and hatched plans for their bold journey from across the nation to come. Alright, that was plain exaggeration. Most also is KL to Ipoh only, especially for the CIMP-ains. Danny and Wing Hoh called me at the worst time... Hahahahaa... When I was driving and there were cops on my left, hiding to catch speed demons and some plain cops on the opposite side of the road, waiting for the traffic light. Luckily Chee Hoe warned me and I switched off my phone. Some other complications are that the KL and Ipoh bunch may not click. Aiya, why bother worrying. It's not like they're gonna be soulmates for life or anything... *groan* Heh heh heh...
Rain's Coming! FUCK OFF!
Holy shit... that bastard is coming to Malaysia. It's just seriously sick and disgusting that my old and retired aunties (or ajimas or something, that means aunties in Korean), that are well weathered and above 50 and survived WW2, are going to see him. They're paying no less than 300 a pop for tickets to see thier "toyboy" strut his stuff on stage. If they offer me a ticket... no thanks... I can whack a feast at Shogun, nail a few Gundams, take it to the movies, pool, bowling and still have change left. Seriously.... Rain... for crying out loud. Girls scream like mad for him. Guys don't even scream and have multiple explosive leg-wobbling orgasms when they see PCD or Jolin Tsai shaking booty on stage. Get. A. Grip. Nuff' said.
Hopefully the buffet dinner will proceed smoothly and no problems la. Amir said he will be the photographer of the prestigious evening, so dress to kill, niggas and chinks! Peace out y'all!
Thursday, January 11, 2007
All Quiet on The Western Front
It's some famous line that my mum got from some movie that she used to utter everytime we get somewhere there should be loads of people but oddly enough the place resembles a ghost town. Yeah, somehow life these days seem like that. Nothing seems to be happening at all. Nothing extravagant, that is. Mild stuff as usual...
Old stomping grounds re-visited
I went to visit Seri Putera again this time with a new bunch of guys. The last time was with Jin and was supposed to be with Whales as well but that guy overslept. Bugger. Luckily didn't wait for him. So he asked me to go with him again. This time I asked Chee Hoe as well since he was on holiday as well, but not for long, I heard. One more week left, according to him, and then back to Politeknik Tengku Omar to repair air-cons. Should keep his number in handy just in case my unit starts having weird leaks around the air-con. Heh heh heh... Anyways, the last time I was there we talked a whole lot more, since it was just me and Jin and Pn Doreen insisted we talked to her. Even asked some kid to come fetch us to the class she was in. Sheesh... Patience. Well, after that short visit to Seri Putera (Whales and Chee Hoe went oddly quiet since arriving), we decided to make an unplanned visit to me and Whales' primary school. La Salle. Yeah, I know, I heard of other La Salle schools out there in the country. Christian schools la, from what I heard and see in the whole architecture and design of all the buildings I've been to so far. I haven't been back at primary school since I went back once (and that was during the year end holidays) to accompany my brother while he got his UPSR results. It's in quite a sad state, same like Seri Putera. Deteriorating students... The whole place's falling apart as well. I guess one could say that the sad state of these two schools are somehow connected la. I heard from one the remaining teachers that taught me before, Pn Tam, that most kids from other areas nearby Ipoh like Kampung Simee, Bercham, Gunung Rapat and so on don't come to La Salle anymore because there are new schools around those areas already. However, there have been cases where these students transfer back because of one reason or another. Lack of resources, perhaps? Who knows. Alright, so that explains the sad state of La Salle. Seri Putera deteriorated greatly becuase they were not getting heavily-educated-in-english kids (like from La Salle, since it IS a christian school) and all the other kids from Malay schools and Chinese schools. I'm not being an ass here but from what I see from the state of every high school, those students that have a capacity in English seem to stand out more than the others especially in academic terms and sometimes other extra-curricular activities that has a relation to academic stuff, like debates and shit like that. So, yeah, that's what I think.
Guitar Rehab
I'm going through some serious rehab. I'm taking Danny and Joseph's advice to relearn my notes and stuff to get better. Hopefully they'll give me a chance to join their band. I don't mind if they refuse me for some Monash dude, 'cause it only proves I am not good enough. So... I will work harder! I might even form my own band but I need to know some good musicians in Victoria University that are unclaimed for. Hopefully can get a band together and have good jamming times and *hopefully* get a gig sometime in the near future. Heh heh heh... One could say this guitar rehab thing is a New Year's resolution, but I have never thought of it this way. It's just that I lust for the feeling of creating music myself. Mm hmm... Skin from my fingers are peeling off again. Has it been that long? It's just 2 months since I've touched my guitar and the skin's reacting to it this way? Hmmm... Never mind la. Going to get some tabs to practice on and then try to learn to tune by ear like everyone else.
Chinese New Year Buffet Dinner
Yeah, baby, the ONE shindig that I totally look forward to is next month! 7 p.m, 18th of February, or the 1st day of New Year in the chinese sense, my family (or rather my grandma) is throwing the annual buffet dinner at Casuarina. All of my CIMP peeps are invited. The only problem or problems you'll most likely run into is the fact that it is a dinner, at night, and it's in Ipoh, and accomodation. I can provide accomodation at my house. I have one free guest room with two single beds. I can move into other rooms to sleep and you guys can take the other rooms to sleep as well, if you wish. So, come if you want to. You are all invited! No worries, siaoness is allowed. I can invite as many guests as I want to, according to my grandma. Hahahahahaha... So, if you guys want to come, please tell me beforehand and if you need accomadation or a tour of Ipoh, tell me, a'ite? Excellent... I will send out some SMS-es soon to some people that I would really like to come. You other guys... just come! You're all welcome!
Fucked up net
Fucked up. Big time. Can't download my shit. Oddly enough it goes at lightspeed in the dead of the morning. 5 a.m to around 7 a.m. Maybe it goes at that speed after 10 p.m as well. However, I sleep so damn early, I have no time to test this theory. Yes, yes, I realize people have died in Taiwan, yadiyadiya. I should pity them and not bitch about the net connection. SERIOUSLY... Yeah, I do pity. But if I go on long enough about the pityful people... that would be a bit too much, no? Nuff' said.
CIMP restarted
I SO wish I can be back in CIMP. Every other ex CIMP-ian agrees with me as well. Felt kinda jealous for some of them that went back (WS, Danny and Amir and a few more people) and peered into the classes. I would be jealous as well, man... Best year EVER. No competition. No arguments. HANDS DOWN. From what I heard so far from some 2nd-sem dudes and dudettes this year is that Indons are flooding the damn place again. More than last sem as well! Jesus Christ... Not that it's a bad thing, but... it's weird. Other than that, there is this new schedule as well. Increased class times.. new lecturers... and Friday has no classes? =S I must ask those 2nd-sem people on how they're going spend their Fridays. It's just plain unorthodox in my books to have no classes on a Friday... You still have to go but for other reasons la.. presentations, guest lectures and some other stuff. Odd, indeed. I am worried about the new council though. Heard that some people are going for the posts. Hopefully they'll be better than us and at least get a prom up and running la. Oh yeah, one more thing. There's some dude, that wants to run for president... Okay, I can't exactly say any names here, just in case some unwanted eyes are looking here... Let's just say he ain't leadership material. Or a figure of morality. Nuff' said. Hope he doesn't even BOTHER to sign up. *groan*
Guess that's as much as I have to say this time. Peace out y'all.
Old stomping grounds re-visited
I went to visit Seri Putera again this time with a new bunch of guys. The last time was with Jin and was supposed to be with Whales as well but that guy overslept. Bugger. Luckily didn't wait for him. So he asked me to go with him again. This time I asked Chee Hoe as well since he was on holiday as well, but not for long, I heard. One more week left, according to him, and then back to Politeknik Tengku Omar to repair air-cons. Should keep his number in handy just in case my unit starts having weird leaks around the air-con. Heh heh heh... Anyways, the last time I was there we talked a whole lot more, since it was just me and Jin and Pn Doreen insisted we talked to her. Even asked some kid to come fetch us to the class she was in. Sheesh... Patience. Well, after that short visit to Seri Putera (Whales and Chee Hoe went oddly quiet since arriving), we decided to make an unplanned visit to me and Whales' primary school. La Salle. Yeah, I know, I heard of other La Salle schools out there in the country. Christian schools la, from what I heard and see in the whole architecture and design of all the buildings I've been to so far. I haven't been back at primary school since I went back once (and that was during the year end holidays) to accompany my brother while he got his UPSR results. It's in quite a sad state, same like Seri Putera. Deteriorating students... The whole place's falling apart as well. I guess one could say that the sad state of these two schools are somehow connected la. I heard from one the remaining teachers that taught me before, Pn Tam, that most kids from other areas nearby Ipoh like Kampung Simee, Bercham, Gunung Rapat and so on don't come to La Salle anymore because there are new schools around those areas already. However, there have been cases where these students transfer back because of one reason or another. Lack of resources, perhaps? Who knows. Alright, so that explains the sad state of La Salle. Seri Putera deteriorated greatly becuase they were not getting heavily-educated-in-english kids (like from La Salle, since it IS a christian school) and all the other kids from Malay schools and Chinese schools. I'm not being an ass here but from what I see from the state of every high school, those students that have a capacity in English seem to stand out more than the others especially in academic terms and sometimes other extra-curricular activities that has a relation to academic stuff, like debates and shit like that. So, yeah, that's what I think.
Guitar Rehab
I'm going through some serious rehab. I'm taking Danny and Joseph's advice to relearn my notes and stuff to get better. Hopefully they'll give me a chance to join their band. I don't mind if they refuse me for some Monash dude, 'cause it only proves I am not good enough. So... I will work harder! I might even form my own band but I need to know some good musicians in Victoria University that are unclaimed for. Hopefully can get a band together and have good jamming times and *hopefully* get a gig sometime in the near future. Heh heh heh... One could say this guitar rehab thing is a New Year's resolution, but I have never thought of it this way. It's just that I lust for the feeling of creating music myself. Mm hmm... Skin from my fingers are peeling off again. Has it been that long? It's just 2 months since I've touched my guitar and the skin's reacting to it this way? Hmmm... Never mind la. Going to get some tabs to practice on and then try to learn to tune by ear like everyone else.
Chinese New Year Buffet Dinner
Yeah, baby, the ONE shindig that I totally look forward to is next month! 7 p.m, 18th of February, or the 1st day of New Year in the chinese sense, my family (or rather my grandma) is throwing the annual buffet dinner at Casuarina. All of my CIMP peeps are invited. The only problem or problems you'll most likely run into is the fact that it is a dinner, at night, and it's in Ipoh, and accomodation. I can provide accomodation at my house. I have one free guest room with two single beds. I can move into other rooms to sleep and you guys can take the other rooms to sleep as well, if you wish. So, come if you want to. You are all invited! No worries, siaoness is allowed. I can invite as many guests as I want to, according to my grandma. Hahahahahaha... So, if you guys want to come, please tell me beforehand and if you need accomadation or a tour of Ipoh, tell me, a'ite? Excellent... I will send out some SMS-es soon to some people that I would really like to come. You other guys... just come! You're all welcome!
Fucked up net
Fucked up. Big time. Can't download my shit. Oddly enough it goes at lightspeed in the dead of the morning. 5 a.m to around 7 a.m. Maybe it goes at that speed after 10 p.m as well. However, I sleep so damn early, I have no time to test this theory. Yes, yes, I realize people have died in Taiwan, yadiyadiya. I should pity them and not bitch about the net connection. SERIOUSLY... Yeah, I do pity. But if I go on long enough about the pityful people... that would be a bit too much, no? Nuff' said.
CIMP restarted
I SO wish I can be back in CIMP. Every other ex CIMP-ian agrees with me as well. Felt kinda jealous for some of them that went back (WS, Danny and Amir and a few more people) and peered into the classes. I would be jealous as well, man... Best year EVER. No competition. No arguments. HANDS DOWN. From what I heard so far from some 2nd-sem dudes and dudettes this year is that Indons are flooding the damn place again. More than last sem as well! Jesus Christ... Not that it's a bad thing, but... it's weird. Other than that, there is this new schedule as well. Increased class times.. new lecturers... and Friday has no classes? =S I must ask those 2nd-sem people on how they're going spend their Fridays. It's just plain unorthodox in my books to have no classes on a Friday... You still have to go but for other reasons la.. presentations, guest lectures and some other stuff. Odd, indeed. I am worried about the new council though. Heard that some people are going for the posts. Hopefully they'll be better than us and at least get a prom up and running la. Oh yeah, one more thing. There's some dude, that wants to run for president... Okay, I can't exactly say any names here, just in case some unwanted eyes are looking here... Let's just say he ain't leadership material. Or a figure of morality. Nuff' said. Hope he doesn't even BOTHER to sign up. *groan*
Guess that's as much as I have to say this time. Peace out y'all.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
A dash of disaster movies and a sprinkle of farewells
Yeah, quite a bit has happened since my last post. Feeling kinda lazy to post these days. Nothing much happening to be post-worthy as well. *sigh* Went for a movie yesterday with some old high school friends, Jin, Lipas, Whales and Chee Hoe (or Bull King like the Journey to the West story). Heh heh heh..
Sinkin' Japan
Went to Jusco to watch this movie yesterday. Initially I planned to go watch Eragon with them on the 3rd, when school started so we wouldn't have to hassle with parking and crowd problems. Lipas had a better idea la and he was the "organizer" this time. Ah well, might as well la. Heehehehehe... Tired of "organizing" already, everytime those mofos also ffk like FUCK. I am really freakin' tired of all that bullshit. Anyways, yesterday proceeded semi-smoothly. Jin SMS me after I came back from gym and was asking me something about fetching him and his bitch to some saloon. *groan* Man, I regret advicing him to "take the chance" and grab her la. She's giving me hell with her "si lai" attitudes. Everytime pester him take her somewhere and when I am back, he sure call me to fetch them one. Thank god Jin's in TAR now, studying and I DON'T have the car in KL, so he can't call me to fetch him and his ho any-fuckin'-where in KL. She really ticked me, him and Lipas off yesterday. Suddenly say wanna watch and then suddenly say can't watch and saying that she's the only girl there. Yeah, whatever, the less I see of her, the better. The other thing I thing I can't stand about her is her "try to be cute" attitude. Sort of reminds of a certain someone in Sunway. You pipes will know what I am talking about. The fact she is partially "lala" ticks me off as well... With all the photos of bloated cheeks, fingers to face, "V" sign, fingers to eyes, fingers to pussy *ahem*. Sorry. Anyway, drifting off with ranting about hos. Sinking Japan... right... Best Asian disaster movie by far! Or is it because it is the 1st? Ah, whatever man, it's amazing! Although the carnage only happens in Japan itself, the movie can rival the effects of The Day After Tomorrow or "Lusa" as the BM subtitles put it. Heh heh heh... It shows in the opening credits that it is based on a book... Not bad wei. Although this would be the 2nd Jap movie I've watched, besides Death Note, I must say that the Jap movie industry is not bad. There is one particularly corny part of dialouge on the movie between the hero and heroine of the story. Freakin' idiotic. The director's should have just chopped it out. The movie also reminded me of some other disaster movies like The Core and "Lusa" itself la. Should go watch it. The middle part is kinda draggy, though, where the idiotic dialouge takes place. But all in all, go and watch Asian shows! =D
Hardcore Gaming
I am glad to say I am clocking in no more less than 5-8 hours a day! Just by playing Sims 2! Man, it is so extremely addictive. I just can't get my eyes and hands off it. It's THE game that I am looking for to put me back into my addiction. Tis' addiction is an affliction that I am glad to have. To NEED to feel addicted! Muahahahahaha... I haven't went pass the deaths of all the 1st gen Sims yet but I'm well on my way. 1st I gotta get their kids well outta college's way, graduate, marry, have kids and mourn over their mummy and daddys graves. Yes, I am evil but I am a realist. The natural cycle of life MUST exist. Although a few shots of that rather insidious life-extending Elixir of Life IS tempting... Mmm... Heh heh heh... Now with Nightlife, I can grab anything and everything into my Sim's inventory and sell them off at their own house! Talk about daylight robbery! And the people will not mind at all! Walk into the club and steal the neon floortiles! The DJ station! The jukebox! Hell, I'll take the seductive bar waitress as well! No wait, just items, not Sims. Heh heh heh heh... And if you're on the sadistic side, take graves of fallen Sims and store them in a secret chamber underneath your house! Muahahahahhahaa!!! *cough* *cough*
See Ya on the Flipside
Well, two people that are quite close to me are getting outta here and to different paths. Jin, as mentioned, is going to TAR in KL. Staying for a whole year instead of just half the semester (3 months) in KL. Pity the dude, staying with his aunt. I think it's the aunt that owns NOSE or something. I can't remember. But whatever it is, going to insitutes of higher learning while living with relatives is pathetic in my books. You don't get to face the bigger demons of seduction and greed when you're in that enviroment. I did face them... Failed at some parts miserably and paying for the price now. However, wiser as well. Not a complete loss! Must be positive! Heh heh heh... Another one is Deena who is going for NS... I didn't know until recently. I was thinking why she didn't go with with friend Tanu. Hmm... Well, whatever it is, good luck to both of them. Hmm... Note to self, must remind them to wear protection while they're away. God knows what they're capable of. Heh heh heh heh...
Before I end this post, I would like to dedicate this song to the person that I mentioned in my earlier blog entry.
Download this song. It's amazing if you understand what the lyrics are saying. The message is simple. Not revealing your feelings in fear of losing a friend. Well, that's how I interpreted it. Until then, peace out y'all!
Sinkin' Japan
Went to Jusco to watch this movie yesterday. Initially I planned to go watch Eragon with them on the 3rd, when school started so we wouldn't have to hassle with parking and crowd problems. Lipas had a better idea la and he was the "organizer" this time. Ah well, might as well la. Heehehehehe... Tired of "organizing" already, everytime those mofos also ffk like FUCK. I am really freakin' tired of all that bullshit. Anyways, yesterday proceeded semi-smoothly. Jin SMS me after I came back from gym and was asking me something about fetching him and his bitch to some saloon. *groan* Man, I regret advicing him to "take the chance" and grab her la. She's giving me hell with her "si lai" attitudes. Everytime pester him take her somewhere and when I am back, he sure call me to fetch them one. Thank god Jin's in TAR now, studying and I DON'T have the car in KL, so he can't call me to fetch him and his ho any-fuckin'-where in KL. She really ticked me, him and Lipas off yesterday. Suddenly say wanna watch and then suddenly say can't watch and saying that she's the only girl there. Yeah, whatever, the less I see of her, the better. The other thing I thing I can't stand about her is her "try to be cute" attitude. Sort of reminds of a certain someone in Sunway. You pipes will know what I am talking about. The fact she is partially "lala" ticks me off as well... With all the photos of bloated cheeks, fingers to face, "V" sign, fingers to eyes, fingers to pussy *ahem*. Sorry. Anyway, drifting off with ranting about hos. Sinking Japan... right... Best Asian disaster movie by far! Or is it because it is the 1st? Ah, whatever man, it's amazing! Although the carnage only happens in Japan itself, the movie can rival the effects of The Day After Tomorrow or "Lusa" as the BM subtitles put it. Heh heh heh... It shows in the opening credits that it is based on a book... Not bad wei. Although this would be the 2nd Jap movie I've watched, besides Death Note, I must say that the Jap movie industry is not bad. There is one particularly corny part of dialouge on the movie between the hero and heroine of the story. Freakin' idiotic. The director's should have just chopped it out. The movie also reminded me of some other disaster movies like The Core and "Lusa" itself la. Should go watch it. The middle part is kinda draggy, though, where the idiotic dialouge takes place. But all in all, go and watch Asian shows! =D
Hardcore Gaming
I am glad to say I am clocking in no more less than 5-8 hours a day! Just by playing Sims 2! Man, it is so extremely addictive. I just can't get my eyes and hands off it. It's THE game that I am looking for to put me back into my addiction. Tis' addiction is an affliction that I am glad to have. To NEED to feel addicted! Muahahahahaha... I haven't went pass the deaths of all the 1st gen Sims yet but I'm well on my way. 1st I gotta get their kids well outta college's way, graduate, marry, have kids and mourn over their mummy and daddys graves. Yes, I am evil but I am a realist. The natural cycle of life MUST exist. Although a few shots of that rather insidious life-extending Elixir of Life IS tempting... Mmm... Heh heh heh... Now with Nightlife, I can grab anything and everything into my Sim's inventory and sell them off at their own house! Talk about daylight robbery! And the people will not mind at all! Walk into the club and steal the neon floortiles! The DJ station! The jukebox! Hell, I'll take the seductive bar waitress as well! No wait, just items, not Sims. Heh heh heh heh... And if you're on the sadistic side, take graves of fallen Sims and store them in a secret chamber underneath your house! Muahahahahhahaa!!! *cough* *cough*
See Ya on the Flipside
Well, two people that are quite close to me are getting outta here and to different paths. Jin, as mentioned, is going to TAR in KL. Staying for a whole year instead of just half the semester (3 months) in KL. Pity the dude, staying with his aunt. I think it's the aunt that owns NOSE or something. I can't remember. But whatever it is, going to insitutes of higher learning while living with relatives is pathetic in my books. You don't get to face the bigger demons of seduction and greed when you're in that enviroment. I did face them... Failed at some parts miserably and paying for the price now. However, wiser as well. Not a complete loss! Must be positive! Heh heh heh... Another one is Deena who is going for NS... I didn't know until recently. I was thinking why she didn't go with with friend Tanu. Hmm... Well, whatever it is, good luck to both of them. Hmm... Note to self, must remind them to wear protection while they're away. God knows what they're capable of. Heh heh heh heh...
Before I end this post, I would like to dedicate this song to the person that I mentioned in my earlier blog entry.
Sugarcult - Memory
This may never start.
We could fall apart.
And I'd be your memory.
Lost your sense of fear.
Feelings insincere.
Can I be your memory?
So get back, back, back to where we lasted.
Just like I imagine.
I could never feel this way.
So get back, back, back to the disaster.
My heart's beating faster.
Holding on to feel the same.
This may never start.
I'll tear us apart.
Can I be your enemy?
Losing half a year.
Waiting for you here
I'd be your anything.
So get back, back, back to where we lasted.
Just like I imagine.
I could never feel this way.
So get back, back, back to the disaster.
My heart's beating faster.
Holding on to feel the same.
This may never start.
Tearing out my heart.
I'd be your memory.
Lost your sense of fear.
(I'd be your memory)
Feelings disappear.
Can I be your memory?
So get back, back, back to where we lasted.
Just like I imagine.
I could never feel this way.
So get back, back, back to the disaster.
My heart's beating faster.
Holding on to feel the same.
This may never start.
We could fall apart
And I'd be your memory.
Lost your sense of fear.
Feelings insincere.
Can I be your memory?
Can I be your memory?
This may never start.
We could fall apart.
And I'd be your memory.
Lost your sense of fear.
Feelings insincere.
Can I be your memory?
So get back, back, back to where we lasted.
Just like I imagine.
I could never feel this way.
So get back, back, back to the disaster.
My heart's beating faster.
Holding on to feel the same.
This may never start.
I'll tear us apart.
Can I be your enemy?
Losing half a year.
Waiting for you here
I'd be your anything.
So get back, back, back to where we lasted.
Just like I imagine.
I could never feel this way.
So get back, back, back to the disaster.
My heart's beating faster.
Holding on to feel the same.
This may never start.
Tearing out my heart.
I'd be your memory.
Lost your sense of fear.
(I'd be your memory)
Feelings disappear.
Can I be your memory?
So get back, back, back to where we lasted.
Just like I imagine.
I could never feel this way.
So get back, back, back to the disaster.
My heart's beating faster.
Holding on to feel the same.
This may never start.
We could fall apart
And I'd be your memory.
Lost your sense of fear.
Feelings insincere.
Can I be your memory?
Can I be your memory?
Download this song. It's amazing if you understand what the lyrics are saying. The message is simple. Not revealing your feelings in fear of losing a friend. Well, that's how I interpreted it. Until then, peace out y'all!
Thursday, January 4, 2007
I'm the coward. For once I'm not criticizing someone else. I'm criticizing myself. All these times I'm telling people to grow a spine, I'm the one that is lacking one. Alright, I can see that confused look in your eyes right now. I'm sure we've all fallen or had crushes in our lives, duh. At this age, sure got 1 la. Unless you were... Never mind, I will keep this information myself. You might or might not know who this person/people are. Yeah, you know where this story is headin'. Sappy, eh? *sigh* I guess each and everyone of you can sort of understand this. This is a classic case la. She is... one the most beautiful girl I've seen, but pass la. FUCK. This isn't about looks! I can talk to her for quite awhile. Let's just say we communicate well. She helps me through things and I help her through things. There were chances where I could've told her how I felt, but I thought it was kinda sudden and it would shock her. 1st of all, she showed no interest whatsoever (That's what I think). We were just good friends. I was afraid it may end up like one of my friend's case. You know who you are... *conquering the world 1 dick at a time... *groan* Terribly excellent* One day she tells me there's another guy that likes her and she likes him back. Yeah, FUCK SHIT. Hurt like hell, but not as bad as before, after all those times. Guess I've become numb to it. But before that, I told myself to forget it. Like I've told myself for every girl I've ever had a crush on, it's too early. Everything is still up in the air. It might be short-lived. So, I forgot about it and I thought it was like, aih, WTF la. So, when she told me this, I realized that I wasn't really honest with myself and I started regretting all those times I could've told her. Damn it man... If only human psychology was as simple as Sims... where you strikeout and you can try the next day. ARGHHHH... Screw it. There's no solution to it. Just forget about it.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Death Claims All... Even in Sims 2!
Dangnabbit, that Grim Reaper has got me again! A pregnant mother, with a child, a husband and a brother-in-law died while trying to cook some turkey in the game. She was cooking to satiate her extreme hunger but was a bit too late. Alas, I tried to get the husband to plea the Reaper for her life back but *sigh* the damned fool lost a simple game of "Which hand has the ball?". The funny thing is, I just installed the 2nd expansion, Sims 2 Nightlife and it has an option of turning one of the lots into a graveyard. I just created one for kicks and at the back of my mind, I wanted to just build a family to decimate them ala various death traps like fire, electrocution and so on, just for the sake of making the graveyard or crypt a bit more realistic. I just didn't figure that the 1st resident of this place was one of the Sims that I pegged on survivng until their old age. *sigh* The husband has gone mad with grief and the child is left to the devices of her dad and uncle. Oh dear... Things doesn't look good. Maybe I need to type in that cheat for the resurrection phone thingy. Nah, Death is natural. Let it be la. Let this be a lesson to you gamers. Death is INEVITABLE! Muahahahahaa!!!
Note: The original expansions work with the pirated Sims 2. In your face, Maxis! WOOHOO!
Note: The original expansions work with the pirated Sims 2. In your face, Maxis! WOOHOO!
Monday, January 1, 2007
Sappy New Year
I must say.... the New Year celebrations this time round are a bit too... lame. Well, according to the papers it's due to the fact that it's Hari Raya Haji. Ah well... It's not like I care anyways. It's JUST another New Year. Just another reason to party. Heh heh heh... Yeah yeah, you all can say that I am a person lacking festive spirit. Truth be told, that is untrue, I love birthdays and Chinese New Year! Hahahahaha! Another thing is... New Year's Day, is not exactly a very good day for me. It happens to be the same day that my dad passed away. So, dad, here's to you, old man, cheers and Happy New Year!
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